ВИДЕО: Анну Михайловскую преследует поклонник
The actress can’t get rid of the obsessive fan.

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Live 7days.ru Anna Mikhailovskaya admitted Catherine Velichenko that she has a very obsessive fan.

Anna Khilkevich told about the obsessive persecution of the fan

“He endlessly wrote me some strange letters, — says the actress. — I just blocked him, but every time he finds me, comes with different profiles under different names and with different photos. Found my personal phone number, wrote me weird messages, devotes a long poem to me… And every time I block him he changes his number and is texting me with the other. Only the manner of presentation and the fact that he sends me lyrics, I know who it is. He affectionately calls me. I have for him and the kitten, and baby elephant, and God knows who…”

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The star said that, fortunately, this fan doesn’t seem dangerous to her, as it did not threaten her. The actress also said that before her was a little annoyed with her “clones” — Network users, which are represented in the Internet. “At first I wanted to write to the leadership of the social networks to be removed. And then I felt sorry for them. I thought maybe under the account sitting unbalanced teenager who is upset that his 500 subscribers disappeared? Decided not to do that.”