Концерт Ирины Аллегровой был сорван
Popular singer Irina Allegrova, which is called the “Empress” Russian pop, lately is very small.

Концерт Ирины Аллегровой был сорван

A few days ago, the singer decided to give a concert in St. Petersburg. But many viewers were disappointed and left, not waiting for the end of the show.

Концерт Ирины Аллегровой был сорван

“The last half of the concert, people were up and gone! If you want to introduce new songs — so imagine them on television, to let people know that they are going to listen. The show did not exist. Changed once, and thank God. There’s not much to discuss, From the old songs like, “hi Andrew” and where are the others? Was hoping to have the concert, but alas; I looked around and the entire audience sits, asked around — everyone is waiting for the old happy songs. The concert is quite good, but like the other”, — says “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in the opinion of the audience.

In its programme Allegrova did not include the beloved by fans, hits, so, according to critics, she lost loyal fans.

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