Дмитрий Нагиев старался во всем поддержать Агату Муцениеце
In the fifth season of “the Voice. Children” co-host Dmitry Nagiyev was the actress Agatha muceniece.

Дмитрий Нагиев старался во всем поддержать Агату Муцениеце

Agatha admitted that he was very nervous before filming with Nagiyev, fearing to arouse his displeasure. But Dmitri, on the contrary always supported her and helped when needed.

Дмитрий Нагиев старался во всем поддержать Агату Муцениеце

“Dmitry was a wonderful person. I have for some time had been afraid of him, tried not to bother him with their company. Stand next to the best presenter in the country, of course, terrible. Worried you don’t have to be on the same level with Dimitri. However, it is to me very strongly supported. The word “good”, heard from him, gave me confidence and cheered very. Dmitry gave me advice, how to stand in the frame, and helped with other technical issues. I still remember one very right. “Don’t try to please, then everything will work out,” he said to me,” said the actress in an interview.

Recently, Agatha talked about the fact that even the participants had to encourage her, as she was overwhelmed by the experience.

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