Николь Кузнецова заговорила о разводе
Famous clairvoyant Nicole Kuznetsova often shares with his fans the news of his personal life.

Николь Кузнецова заговорила о разводе

Recently, in the microblogging Nicole there was a post in the signature which she wrote a lyrical poem, hinting at its divorce from her husband. And the verse it was accompanied by the hashtags “divorce”, “novagen” and “Svoboda”.

Николь Кузнецова заговорила о разводе

“I want peace. Want of comfort.
I’m leaving you to yourself
To yourself, not to someone.
Time passes, and with it,
Touched the soul and again it misses.
Give each other the don’t blame
That we are both incorrigible.
I wasn’t looking for you return,
And I don’t need anybody.
I’m leaving you with anyone
I’m going to be free,” wrote Nicole.

Fans began to ask questions of a clairvoyant, but she refuses any comments on this issue.

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