Минус 3 килограмма: Екатерина Стриженова похвасталась результатами диеты
The presenter lost weight, eliminating salt from your diet.

Photo: Instagram

Ekaterina Strizhenova main goal after the holidays is believed to remove all of their unwanted pounds. Before the holiday week fans noticed that the TV host has recovered, what, of course, hastened to inform her in social networks. And now Catherine is seriously focused on the fight against obesity.

Strizhenova decided to try a few popular programs that offer some companies. So this has a double meaning: to lose weight and to tell the fans what really works and what doesn’t.

The last 10 days Catherine was sitting on a salt-free diet. Every morning service in preparation and delivery of correct food brought her the containers with the diet.

“In 10 days I lost 3 kg, left volume — boasted star results. — The menu is varied, portions are large enough… a Special feature — the sauces that even fresh foods make delicious. It was hard on the weekends, when everyone around is eating pancakes! PS this diet makes sense to sit down when you need to lose weight, when you work from morning till evening and he can not afford to prepare and monitor the caloric content of food”.

Earlier, Catherine decided to undergo a painful procedure manual plastics. This method — non-surgical liposuction — she was advised Evelina Bledans. The actress says that just two procedure wizard alloplastiki can do wonders. The extra pounds are gone, if they had never existed!

“I promised to take 1-2 size over the two sessions, says Strizhenova. — Give a guarantee for three years! I don’t believe in miracles, but try for yourself!”

Judging by the results, the presenter did not unsubscribe, the method she was not very helpful.