Алика Смехова раскрыла свои бьюти-секреты The actress said, as it supports the face and body in good shape. Alika Smekhova adhere to a healthy lifestyle – she plays sports, eats right and makes a variety of useful procedures.
Алика Смехова раскрыла свои бьюти-секреты

Actress Alika Smekhova prepared your face and body to spring in the Austrian Central health Verba Mayr. Its beauty secrets she shared with the readers of “StarHit”.


“I have ten years of adhere to a healthy lifestyle by Dr. Mayr. Refused gluten. Eat only bread made of buckwheat, corn and rice. Prefer lactose-free products, drink only goat’s milk. Soups should be vegetables, without paregoric. Meat broths excluded. Vegetable soup like water with lemon is alkalization of the body, which is useful for the intestines. In the morning, eat raw vegetables and fruits, and after – the same, but after heat treatment. And, most importantly, drink at least 2 litres of clean water per day. But there is one rule: food does not drink! It is still important to chew your food, no fuss, faster so you eat fewer products, and use for the figure again. Plus the crushed food is better digested, the stomach will tell you thank you.”


Алика Смехова раскрыла свои бьюти-секреты

“In childhood I was engaged in synchronized swimming and to this day I continue to use the pool. Love the water, both my pregnancy sailed without stopping 2-3 times a week for 40 minutes. This rule is honored in the framework of the program of detoxification, which is now going through. Water is a wonderful anti-stress, which gives me a burst of energy and muscle tone. Especially nice that the pool Verba Mayr it from its own wells, so free from all disadvantages of conventional water pollutants, heavy metals and poor cleaning”.


Алика Смехова раскрыла свои бьюти-секреты

“At least once a month I go to the Hammam, Russian sauna or infrared sauna. Last option is good in that it provides a very slow heating of the body. Go there when you want to relax and if you have plenty of time. The principle of influence is that the heating is due to infrared waves, which penetrate into the body by an average of 4 centimeters. Physically feel a temperature not exceeding 40 °C”.

“In contrast to the conventional Finnish saunas, which dehydrates the body and promotes the excretion of only small amounts of toxins, infrared even with little heat and moderate perspiration allows the display of up to 20% toxins. This option is also suitable for those who have heart problems or pressure.”


Алика Смехова раскрыла свои бьюти-секреты

“I like the effect of cardio: the body is warmed up, strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, I feel fit and energized. Well lose weight, of course, although the number of calories burned is not the goal of training. The main thing in physical activity that is a necessary activity for the body. No rational loads impossible proper digestion, they improve sleep, relieve stress, boost metabolism”.


“I often use sophisticated makeup, so I love that the face rested. Once a week try to do the massage, which provides muscle tone and gives a healthy color to the skin, relieves stress. But care for the person you need at home”.

“Twice a day – morning and evening, I spend three-step treatment: cleansing, toning and moisturizing of the skin. No matter how I tired, always find time and thoroughly removes make-up. Regularly visit massage. There are several types, by the way – from old Russian to the classic lymphatic drainage on Dr. Mayer”.