Ульяна Сергеенко встречается с главой «Роснефти» Игорем Сечиным
Recently, media reported about a possible affair designer Ulyana Sergeenko.

Ульяна Сергеенко встречается с главой «Роснефти» Игорем Сечиным

Anonymous insider said that Juliana had an affair with the chief of Rosneft Igor Sechin. The designer does not like to dwell on his personal life, so is this true information – we can only guess.

Ульяна Сергеенко встречается с главой «Роснефти» Игорем Сечиным

Journalists tried to find out the truth from the Juliana, but she refused any comment.

“All this crap! I’m in the mountains,” he replied evasively Sergeenko.

About the new choice of designer rumors began to appear at the beginning of the year when Elsie was allegedly seen at fashion Week in the company of Sechin.

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