Звезда «Уральских пельменей» увезла двухлетнюю дочь в Азию
The actress spoke about the experience of families with a child in an exotic country.

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» увезла двухлетнюю дочь в Азию

Ilana St. George with her daughter and husband

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

Ilana St. George with my family — husband Dmitry and two year old daughter
Diana recently returned from Thailand. The star family’s first time vacationing in this
the region — St. George specifically chose a country where you can sunbathe and swim in

“On Phuket, where we stayed in a quiet, family atmosphere,
— shared the star of “Ural dumplings”. Plus, I chose the hotel in the quiet
district, Panwa Beach , where there are cafes and restaurants but no noise. The hotel
located in the Bay, and there’s quite small, which is also a plus when you are resting with
a child.”

Not afraid of a young mother and a long flight at nine
hours. The daughter of actress familiar for distant travel: in 6 months she
made the first long flight to Miami, which lasted 14.5 hours. Not
problems have a stellar mom and baby, but there is a myth,
in Asia find European food problematic. “We had Breakfast in the hotel, there
it is quite a usual European food, says St. George. — The restaurant always
you can order chicken soup for the child without spices or steamed fish, rice, vegetables,
fruit. Entertainment was even simpler: we traveled to the island of monkeys, bird Park and
zoo. For my daughter there expanse: monkeys in the parks run like home
animals. They jump to your shoulder or sit on the knees and soft
fingers take out of the hands of the food. At the zoo Diana fed 6-month-old cubs, and
absolutely not afraid of them. Thought it was such great Pets.
But the favorites for my daughter — elephants. She just love them. She liked them
to feed, to stroke, to ride”. Emotion and excitement was so much that
Diana sweetly fell asleep in the evening, giving parents the opportunity to be alone.

Ilana St. George with her husband and daughter

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event