Антон Гусев объяснил появившиеся слухи об измене Виктории Романец
Fans of home electroni countries are watching with interest the development of relations one of the most exciting couples of the show Anton Gusev and Victoria romanet.

Антон Гусев объяснил появившиеся слухи об измене Виктории Романец

Recently, the Network began to actively discuss the fact that Anton, choosing a gift for the wife, bought another gift for another girl. The young man hastened to clarify the situation.

Антон Гусев объяснил появившиеся слухи об измене Виктории Романец

“I recently arrived in GUM to buy my wife a gift sneakers. In social networks began to discuss that, I bought a purse, referring to some seller. Vick, of course, tensed. Had to go to the store to talk with the administrator. It turned out that this seller really is, but it is the second year in the decree,” said Anton.

Recall that recently, it was reported about the intention of the couple to arrange a divorce, although officially husband and wife they were only in September of last year. but soon they changed their minds and even started to choose a new home.

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