Нонна Гришаева изменила образ жизни после развода
Popular actress played an unusual role.

On the Fifth channel starts a serial “the Consequence of love”: romantic detective specially for viewers of the first series learn about the investigator Nadezhda Polyakova performed by Nonna Grishaeva. Marriage with the Colonel of police Sergey Polyakov started to crumble with the advent of a third child. My husband could not stand the routine of family life and had an affair with a young girl Angela. After spending a year and a half in the decree, the Hope goes to work, because the former cops do not happen… on the one hand, the need to feed children, and with another — to solve crimes — her true passion.

It is a unique investigator. From the mass of minor details and insignificant information Poliakov intuitively isolates needs and builds on their line of investigation. She sympathizes with the victims, maybe because of the intuition to approach the witnesses and is not afraid of meeting with dangerous criminals.

But the ex-husband of Hope against her work in the organs. He is ready to provide “family”, if only ex-wife was engaged only in children, their education entirely or find a quieter job. Polyakova is not going to listen to the former. Between the ex-spouses quarrel breaks out, in which Hope promises to Sergey to go with her new job if she doesn’t reveal her first case in five days. If it does, the Poles will cease to insist on her dismissal and abandon the idea to introduce children to mistress Angela.

After this bet Polyakova determined. She is starting the first case and at the crime scene he meets with his boss, major Nikolai Kryukov. The meticulously suited to the job, prefers to be guided by the schemas used in the investigation. He doesn’t approve of her approach to the work and often making fun of the investigator Polyakova. Its just annoying excessive vanity of Hope, and her improvisations. She is constantly calling mother, Svetlana Alekseevna, which monitors the youngest son Petya and assists in the education of adolescents with Veronica and Nikita. Often late for work, and instead of a full report he slips “slips”.