Анну Ардову осуждают за шикарный отдых после смерти мужа Actress spends holiday in Sri Lanka. In all the photos she’s smiling and looks relaxed. However, some fans of the star think that she is not experiencing in connection with the death of the former spouse.

30 Dec died, the former husband of Anna Ardovs Aleksandr Shavrin. It was later revealed that the man for a long time struggled with an incurable disease. Some fans were quick to condemn famous actress because shortly before the tragedy, she divorced her husband after twenty years of marriage.

Died husband of Anna Ardovs

Anna herself prefers not to comment on personal life. After the funeral she has not been in touch with fans, posting photos on the social network. The woman broke the silence only in mid-January, when he went to visit Sri Lanka. She actively posted beautiful shots from the beach that like not all subscribers actress. According to them, Ardova doesn’t look like a grieving widow grief-stricken.

“Resting, and conscience bites”, “Kind husband died recently and she’s on the beach”, “Anna, as always, beautiful. I just don’t know if I could’ve found a reason to smile after the death of her husband, though the former,” made to share opinions of fans of the stars.

However, some subscribers Ardovs still supported her decision to distract from problems with vacation in another country. She wrote encouraging comments, not getting tired to mention that Anna looks beautiful.

The artist herself did not react to criticism. Instead, she continued to publish beautiful pictures of beaches and of the local jungle. The star was able to observe the elephants bathing and feeding the turtles.

Apparently, the Ardova had a rest in the company of friends, and her son Anton remained in Moscow. Previously, the star was told that after the divorce the young man decided to live with his father. For Anna it was a big surprise, but she soon came to terms with the choice of an heir.

After it became known about the death of Alexander Shavrina, many fans speculated that Anton wanted to stay with daddy to help him in difficult life period.

Anna Ardova immediately after returning from vacation to take part in several performances. Fans believe that the actress specially downloads himself into theater and film, to distract from sad thoughts.