Создатели шоу «Орел и Решка» раскрыли все секреты проекта
They showed all that is hidden from the audience behind the scenes.

Создатели шоу «Орел и Решка» раскрыли все секреты проекта

Photo: a frame from the transmission

The work in the show “heads and Tails”, which is regularly aired on the channel “Friday!”, all consider a dream job. And, though leading the project, regularly trying to prove that the shooting for the project is incredibly heavy, they don’t look like a vacation Paradise “free”, but no one believes them.

To prove his innocence in word and deed, the creators of the show decided to release some special editions of the “eagle and Tails” in which they show the outtakes, voice-over details and reveal some of the mysteries that were extremely interested in our audience.

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Photo: a frame from the video

For example, a “divide” between the leading priority of owning a gold card to “live rich” or not. Answer: no! The process of tossing a coin completely honest. So much so that between the leading even happen quarrel. For example, one very angry Regina todorenko, when, during a voyage around the world under the forest three times in a row had “a beautiful life”. Regina was desperately trying to prove to Directors and producers, fallen eagle is nothing like the real tails! But, alas, the truth was not on her side.

By the way, interesting detail. Not alone leading a coin toss! The whole crew after the shooting of the first frame with an eagle and tails also finds out exactly who accompanies rich and who is poor. And no hard feelings!

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Photo: a frame from the video

The crew, which always goes with leading one is quite large: two Directors, two cameramen, a producer, writer and certainly in every city coordinator. Thanks to the coordinated work of the team of the TV crew manages to shoot the program over the two allocated days. In addition, they have a clear schedule. As a rule, the rise announced in 3-4 hours in the morning to have time for one day to capture the maximum number of locations. Wondering what to eat or take a dip at some Paradise beach leading can only when it is needed according to the scenario.

Food is a separate issue. Frames where leading eat some local stuff, especially love the audience, and the producers of the show. Therefore, leading often had to suffer: eat live insects and other reptiles. But we must pay tribute to the crew and facilitator. As a rule, if someone in the frame have, for example, a larva, he will do it half of the crew. Just to support a colleague!

Photo: a frame from the video

Almost always shooting “Oral and Tails” unauthorized. Very often they start trouble with the police, which throws a group need them. So you have to work quickly and risk their own freedom. Laws in different countries are different, for disobedience and for the bars to get.

Only one question still remained unclear: whether project developers are spending crazy money on housing and entertainment for the “rich” lead. Or the project coordinators agreed with the management of hotels and private villas for shooting on their premises