Светлане Немоляевой приписывают тайный роман Her colleague spoke about the sympathy of the artist to Edward Martsevich. According to some, Svetlana Nemolyaeva was interested in the actor, even when she lived in marriage with your spouse.
Светлане Немоляевой приписывают тайный роман

Popular actress Svetlana Nemolyaeva could not accept the death of the wife of Alexander Lazarev. Many admired their love story. A year before the death of the man the couple decided to consummate marriage in Church. “The idea to get married belongs to both of us, and our closest friends supported us, said: “we Have to get married, and God forbid, die, Yes, in that light and never will meet,” – said Svetlana in one of the TV show.

However, colleagues of the actress do not believe that Nemolyaeva was a lifelong faithful life. The actress, a friend of Svetlana’s, but not wishing to be named says that the movie star had a lot of problems in the relationship with her husband.

Svetlana Nemolyaeva is still mourns her dead husband

“Svetochka now all the time eyes on the wet spot. They say that engagement ring is still not removed and Holy memory Bank. We say, with Sasha not for a moment parted, literally breathing each other. Although it is actually their family life with Lazarev was far from perfect. They even were going to divorce,” the woman said.

According to the actress, many years ago Nemolyaeva fell in love with Edward Martsevich, the actor of Theatre of a name of Mayakovsky.

“Together they played in several productions – “Irkutsk story”, “Seeing the white nights”, “How you doin’, man?”, “We have someplace to be…”. On a daily rehearsals and closer,” said a colleague Nemolyaeva.

Martsevich was popular among women in the 60-70-ies. Lined up behind him crowds of fans. He was embarrassed by such attention fans. However, the actor did not deny that he had many novels.

“I don’t blame her. Not her first, not her last. Life is life, and everything in it happens. Including infidelity. And Sasha and Edward, alas, is no longer alive. Lazarev died in 2011, Martsevich – in 2013. Both were wonderful actors, decent people. But can not rewrite history. Nothing terrible would have happened, if the transfer of Svetlana remembered the good word not only of his beloved man, but another. It would be more honest,” the woman said in an interview with “Express newspaper”.