Двойняшки Аллы Пугачевой подружились с ее приемным ребенком Singer Alla Pugacheva honors new year’s tradition and tries to spend the holiday with the closest people. 2018 Diva met with friends and younger children – relatives of Gary and Lisa and great-nephew, five-year-old Eugene Pugachev, who officially takes care of.

Custody of the relative, the native grandson of the late brother Eugene, Alla took two years ago. Circumstances have forced it, my heart told me was the only chance to save the boy Eugene, who could stay on the streets. His father, Vlad Pugachev, the son of the only brother of the prima Donna, was very upset by the death of his father in 2011. He had aggravated a chronic disease, he used prohibited substances, became addicted. Pugacheva then it is actually saved, the singer not only insisted on the treatment, but found a clinic in Israel, paid for a course.

Nephew of Alla Pugacheva: “Without her I wouldn’t have survived!”

However, at the same time his wife Victoria, the patient with chronic tuberculosis, in a coma. Later she was safely out of it, but the long absence of the husband have a negative impact on the relationship. Victoria has another man, and Vlad, who, by the way, completely got rid of drug addiction found a new love.

While parents understood each other and worked their health at risk was a small Jack. Alla Pugacheva, who took an active part in the life of a great-nephew, decided to document care, now she is the legal guardian of five Zhenya (pictured below – far left, children of the prima Donna, Lisa and Harry, of course, in the center).

In the family of Alla Pugacheva, a fourth child

“And that ended the feast, gifts, laughter, happiness on the faces of our most dear and beloved children! Happy New year! Let this year be filled with smiles and good cheer, peace and happiness in all homes! Be healthy and lucky!” – signed photo of Mila Stavitskaya, a close friend of the prima Donna.

The boy lives in the family assistant Alla Igor Polshikova and sometimes, for example, during the holidays, spends time in the castle Pugacheva and Galkin in the village Dirt. It happened in these days of Christmas. First, Eugene Pugachev, who, as I notice some, like my grandmother Alla, and the twins Lisa and Harry Pugacheva Galkin was a guest on the Christmas tree in the house of Mila Stavitskaya, then played in the castle and we celebrated another New year together.