Май Абрикосов сообщил о закрытии «Дома-2»
The star of the show told what is happening behind the scenes program.

May Apricots

One of the most prominent participants “House-2” May Abrikosov believes
what popular TV show has come to its logical conclusion. And, if you do not change the format of the show,
the program will soon be closed. His vision of the novel Tertyshny (real
name Abrikosov) shared on their official website.

“DOM-2” turned the wrong way, writes May. — Unfortunately,
the organizers do not see the point and obvious. Now is the time all forces
throw on your audience’s interest and not to engage in a set show, the best version
which are already on other channels successfully. I recommend “House-2” not
sprayed. A film set in the Seychelles also did not survive and will not survive
I’m sure. Offer to close it. For me, all a mystery to what was expected
producers, initially focusing on the story at the beach-badminton mood.
What action could be to hold at the screens of millions
the spectators? To build love enough of one place – “the Glades”. And esters
enough. Never heard of viewers refused to watch “HOUSE-2”
due to the fact that they would not suit a film set “clearing”. The number
leading requires reduction. I would have left only Borodin and Buzova, well, maybe
even Vlad kadoni. Everyone else, thank you. Most of the participants I would replace. I
like the new management of “House-2” for its determination, but it is now
makes a lot of mistakes pre-flop. In the first place is the following
the previous policy of the project and intensive care unit organizational atavism, a place that
on the dump. And the audience is waiting for that “new broom will be a new revenge”! “House-2″
needs a fresh look, new ideas. After all, the condition in which show
left, is called the collapse”.

Special attention Apricots drew on the fact that the rating of the show
falls, as the “Dom-2” has ceased to be interesting. “The audience turned and walked away
other channels, says ex-member of the TV show. — The authority Borodina and
Buzova undermined. They have been made equal with the others. No respect for the leading – no
respect to the project. “DOM-2” has lost its individual external features. Participants
faceless. One type of participants — the “picture” of the project was completed with the same brush”

The first apricots of the participants talked about how it is now
associate project. “DOM-2” concept became a household name. It is associated with
vulgarity, debauchery, filth, stupidity, cruelty, etc — sure Tertyshny.
— This, the organizers prepared an excuse: “In ordinary life even more
vulgarity and filth.” Audiences are tired of scandal. If the information food
all will consist of hot pepper, then nobody will eat, and popouts. Just
this is happening now — the audience spit. No edible bases “meals”. Organizers
the project came up short-sighted, I think, a way to hook viewers
through irritation. Because the irritation is inevitably followed by resentment. On
today, unfortunately, “DOM-2” is unpleasant to the audience. The project
shows a cross-section of society, and the helplessness of the organizers. We see not
to do the show. To me, it seems, the audience was tired of the incompetence
the creators of “House-2” and they are dismissive. “DOM-2″ will be closed, if at all
lost interest of the audience,” — said May.