Графиня Толстая обратилась к оставившему ее в нищете мужу-олигарху The woman was unable to hold back the tears. Countess Alexandra Tolstaya came to the Studio program “Let them talk”, to share their grief. In direct connection with the audience went from a former partner, the oligarch Sergei Pugachev, who presented his version of events.
Графиня Толстая обратилась к оставившему ее в нищете мужу-олигарху

Recently in the program “Let speak” asked the Countess Alexandra Tolstaya, which its former civil spouse, the oligarch Sergei Pugachev, left without a livelihood. She has three children and worries about their future. The fact that the whole family lived in England, but one day the man just ran away to France. Now Alexander doesn’t know where to take money for the education of heirs and how to get a job. The ex-wife of the fugitive oligarch Sergei Pugachev suffers from lack of money

Today Fat personally came to Moscow to tell about their grief. She fears the vengeance of the former chosen one, but because the Studio she was accompanied by a guard.

Alexander admitted that he was forced to sign a contract that does not claim to alimony, but because she will now have on their own to raise money for kids. She told me that her husband had behaved towards her is incorrect.

“A typical dictator, mocked, tortured, I was nervous. I wanted to live quietly with the children. Tried to say that he was wrong,” admitted the Countess.
Графиня Толстая обратилась к оставившему ее в нищете мужу-олигарху

Alexander said that lately her life had become unbearable. She borrowed money from friends, parents, and also she had something to sell and feed the children.

Tolstoy’s parents didn’t approve of her Union with Pugachev. They were embarrassed that he does not call her in marriage, although they have three children. Moreover, according to the documents Sergey for six years, was married with his ex-wife, but to build a family with Alexandra. However, this did not bother the woman, because she adored him, despite the fact that now says – Sergei talent to manipulate and lie.

“I can’t marry you because you are British and legally impossible,” – says the Countess of the words of her former partner.

It turned out that Tolstoy has a private house with a plot in England, which she showed to Dmitry Borisov. However, according to Alexandra, she can’t live there – housing is too cramped for her and the kids, not near schools and jobs.

Графиня Толстая обратилась к оставившему ее в нищете мужу-олигарху

The direct link with the Studio came out and Sergey Pugachev. He was struck by the statements of the former lady and said that she loves money and strives to always be on your mind. To the question whether he loved once Alexander, the man did not give the exact answer.

“It’s hard to say right now, was some kind of relationship. She spent little time with me. I’m in France – it is in the Caribbean, I’m in London – she’s in France”, – said the oligarch.

Pugachev admitted that he loves kids and Alexander is not a Countess, and the girl who wanted to get rich. The man does not believe that his ex-girlfriend is looking for work. Dmitry Borisov assured him that she gave him my resume and wants to be leading.

Sergey admitted that he did not intend to take revenge and to take her children. Alexandra herself wants them to forgive each other, but said that no longer holds a grudge.