Отец Жанны Фриске подрался с родными Дмитрия Шепелева
Girlfriend of the singer brought the broadcaster to clean water.

Отец Жанны Фриске подрался с родными Дмитрия Шепелева

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

Photo: Alexander Mudrats/TASS

Vladimir Kopylov was the guest of Studio “the Secret to a million.” Its main mystery is the father of Zhanna Friske to disclose the whole country is not wanted, but released many details of how it was the illness of the singer. A large part of the program was dedicated to Jeanne’s relationship with the father of her son, Dmitry Shepelev. Vladimir voiced a lot of accusations against civil husband Friske, saying that the money Rusfond took it, and effective treatment of serious illness of Jeanne, which could save her, stopped. Moreover, he argues that Jeanne before his death supposedly told the Pope that he does not trust Dmitry, because he felt that he is cheating on her.

In a conversation with Leroy Kudryavtseva Kopylov remembered about the last time you saw parents Shepeleva. Meeting with the family of Dmitry passed in the house of the father of Jeanne. At that time she was already in a serious condition, so native Shepeleva started talking about the legacy of the artist. According to Vladimir, they were worried whether will get part of the capital Friske their grandson Plato. In addition, they were interested in obtaining the inheritance he Dmitry.

Kopylova these discussions derived from myself. He said that he drove then with the scandal of parents Shepeleva from your home. “His father is a decent man, but the family has no words. I remember we had a huge fight when they started dividing the money of Joan, recalled Vladimir. — I tell them: “Jeanne will live for a hundred years! Why are you?” Then I broke down and against the wall of his… Kicked and said, “I have never seen!” Then when 40 days have passed after the death of Jeanne, I called them, wanted about Plato to learn. I was like, “What is wanted, and received!”

Vladimir Kopylov

Photo: the Frame of the program “million dollar Secret”

Vladimir Shepelev put a real villain. Supposedly the grave of Jeanne it for 2.5 years never came, and indeed during the whole period of the disease two months spent with his beloved. And when he was near her, then insulted her. The rest of the time, according to the story Kopylov, Dmitry rescheduled the estate of the singer for themselves, and also made millions from her accounts.

The filming of the program was also attended by two close friends of Jeanne: Anna Goroga and Alena. Both girls insist that Dmitry is not the one for whom it is. In this matter, they fully agree with Kopylov.