Стало известно, что произошло с Лазаревым на самом деле

Journalists Woman’s day managed to talk to eyewitnesses to the singer fainted during a concert in St. Petersburg.

April 8, at the concert in St. Petersburg Sergey Lazarev became ill and he was going to faint. It would seem that we could spare the artist, but no, the Internet poured a barrage of accusations against him, saying, come so naturally played, so beautifully fell. Continue straight Stanislavski: “do Not believe!” All this PR… (read more here)

To check how true the accusations, Woman’s Day the first thing called in the Oktyabrsky concert hall in St. Petersburg, where occurred the incident itself.

“Are you kidding? – hearing the question surprised the employee of the concert hall Natalia Airianna. – Who such nonsense could come up with? Sergey really became ill, called an ambulance, doctors found that the body Lazareva overtired. Sergei couldn’t even continue. Think for yourself, if it was fiction, why then carry the concert?”

Perplexed concerning rumors and on the channel “Russia”, which will be broadcasting “Eurovision”.

“You schedule Serezha saw? – the first thing we heard in response. Almost through the day tour, plus a promo tour in support of “Eurovision”. Lazarev April 11, flew from Moscow to Israel, then to Malta, today is Greece, and it seems that Cyprus is found. And we have to rehearse the number. When he does this? In any free minute. In addition to the run numbers, you need to sing a song – for the song enough to sing it two or three times, her need to fulfill a thousand times that it sounded”.

After the incident of syncope Sergey Lazarev introduced some adjustments in your schedule. First, he canceled all the performances in the theatre. A. S. Pushkin, on the official website of the singer now hangs the announcement that “the Marriage of Figaro” can now be seen only in June. Secondly, a little prorail tour schedule: until April 21, no concerts, and after the 24th almost to the end of may too break.

I hope that Sergei will recover by the beginning of the “Eurovision”. Because he predict first place, but in order to meet the expectations, need to be at our very best.

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