Супруг Жасмин вынужден ждать разрешения ситуации, чтобы оспорить вынесенное судом решение
A year and a half ago, the husband of the famous singer Jasmine got charged with conducting banking fraud.

Супруг Жасмин вынужден ждать разрешения ситуации, чтобы оспорить вынесенное судом решение

The singer goes on to say that her husband is not guilty and wants to challenge the court’s decision. This summer, the man handed down a sentence of 7.5 years in prison, but while Ilan Shor is unable to appeal.

Супруг Жасмин вынужден ждать разрешения ситуации, чтобы оспорить вынесенное судом решение

“The case is still with me, explained the judge handed down the sentence. – I have not referred it to the court of Appeal, because the sentence didn’t translate on Russian language. The defendant does not speak the state language and lack of translation is a violation of his rights. I don’t know when the transfer will be made because I don’t do that”.

According to the judge, once the text is translated into Russian language, the case will continue.

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