Ольга Бузова подверглась жесткой критике за обильный макияж
The popularity of Olga Buzova is haunted by many, but she can’t get used to the endless barrage of criticism.

Ольга Бузова подверглась жесткой критике за обильный макияж

Recently she has published in his microblog a new photo from his native St. Petersburg, delighted appeared in metro Wi-Fi.

Ольга Бузова подверглась жесткой критике за обильный макияж

“In Petersburg in the metro has launched a free Wi-Fi. How nice to know that every year your hometown is getting better!” – said under a photo Olga.

But members drew attention to the huge amount of cosmetics applied to the face Buzova, saying that because of the makeup she’s recently really gotten old.

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