Пышки, вперед: как Мэрайе Кэри и Адель удалось сбросить вес Ladies size XXXL storm show business, defending the right to preserve and share the forms that nature has given. Adele, Mariah Carey and many other buxom beauty proves that you can still pull myself together and throw a few extra pounds.
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In early November, Mariah Carey finally got the Internet trolls who mocked the diva full-bodied passion to close and open outfits designed for the woman three times thinner. To solve this problem, Mariah was enough to change clothes. But she even missed the criticism on deaf ears until he felt that the extra weight prevents her from dancing. Then the singer ran to the bag astroplastica – operation to reduce stomach volume. Getting the opportunity to control weight, Mariah did not aim to acquire the proportions of a washing Board. All her seductive curves are still at it. “I watch my weight, not in order to justify someone’s expectations – once said Mariah. All for the sake of health. It’s hard not to be scared when you find it hard to breathe or move.”

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In 2012 the designer Karl Lagerfeld ska hall that Adele “a little fat, although she has a beautiful face and a divine voice”. Any other young singer I’d kill myself after such a “compliment”, but Adele has never put someone else’s opinion above your own. “Sometimes I doubt that I could succeed if I wasn’t fat, she says. – Do I look like most ordinary women, they easily associate themselves with me. Don’t want to say that they are all overweight, I’m just imperfect in contrast to the standard stars, which to us serves as a perfect and invincible supermen.” By the way, in order apology Lagerfeld sent Adele a collection of Chanel handbags because clothes in her size. he doesn’t. In the past year, Adele has lost some weight.

“I needed more energy and stamina for the tour. But I stopped as soon as it came to size, available in all stores. Glad that now you do not have to strain in search of suitable clothes,” she explained.

Gaburi Sidibe

When the student of psychology came to audition for the film “Precious”, actress Joan Cusack directly told her that with such appearance in the movie is nothing to do. But Gaburi sure I would not have received this first part and all subsequent ones, if it looked different. “Once I heard the Director of “Treasures” to convince a journalist to put my “fat black ass” on the cover, recalls Haburi. – Offended horrible. Yes, I have not the same appearance, which is associated with Hollywood, but I consider myself beautiful.” This year 34-year-old Haburi made tubular gastroplasty on the recommendation of the doctors discovered she had diabetes.

“I was told that I could lose my feet. Will never be skinny, but unnecessary complications, I do not need. Otherwise, no matter what anyone said, I live in this body, and only my opinion about it matters,” explained Sidibe.
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Melissa McCarthy

“All idea of a physical normal – bullshit” – says 47-year-old actress. It’s cosy softness gave Melissa a pass to Hollywood. The dream factory requires graceful forms from “serious” Actresses, and Comedy can look like anything, as long as it was funny. Thought about weight loss Melissa visited two years ago. With the help of “miracle” pills from Cambodia she has lost almost 40 kg.

“After that, the TV shut down my show “Mike and Molly”. I can’t believe I lost my job because of a desire to improve their health!”, says McCartney.