Звезда «Ворониных» пожалела, что помогла отчаявшемуся отцу
Ekaterina Volkova reproaches himself for innocence.

Ekaterina Volkova

Photo: @volkovihome Instagram Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina Volkova fell into the hands of the fraudster. On the eve of the star “Voronin” was the victim of a professional thief. The actress gave hard earned money, she thought, for the treatment of “the dying child”. But in fact it turned out that the artist “has dissolved” — the story of a father in need of help were tale. But about all under the order.

Volkova said that met a stranger in the Parking lot. He knocked on her window and asked for help, they say, in his car, a child dies. Baby supposedly needed the inhaler that has ended, and the money to buy a new “Papa” was not. Volkova took pity of the child and the man transferred several thousand rubles. Its appearance, by the way, did not cause Catherine any suspicion. He was dressed neatly and decently — so actress, and even could not imagine that it faces a crook.

“Transferring the money, the man a hundred times thanks again repeats that soon will get my money back and asks the number to which you can return the favor. I have it on the machine to call and leave, and in the mirror I see how hysterical exemplary dad stopped and he slowly wandered — described the incident Volkov. — Why I write this. I want to hear your opinion: what would you do in this situation? Was it worth to give money? The terms of some fraudsters, particularly in the current difficult economic situation. Each of their debts and mortgages enough.

But how not to help? Maybe it kills a child! Who are we to judge asking if the money he really needs? Not from a better life he was in this situation.If you want my opinion, it is to help possible, because in the midst of the con always can stand the human life can be saved. The money to me, you guessed it, no one has returned. Yes not about that speech. Today I first thought that such cases are more akerstraat people who are willing to help those who really need it!”