Отец Альбины Джанабаевой не верил в ее успех After moving singer in Moscow’s relationship with the loved one gone bad. Boris Kabdyshevich tried to dissuade the daughter from the career of the artist. The man believed that the possibility of his family too modest for the conquest of the capital.
Отец Альбины Джанабаевой не верил в ее успех

The famous singer, ex-soloist of group “VIA Gra” Albina dzhanabaeva remembered the beginning of his career. As a teenager she went to a vocal Studio, and then, when she was seventeen, together with her mother Albina from his native Volgograd went to Moscow. The mother of the future star always knew her daughter would be able to achieve success and set her up for a bright future. But the Pope Dzhanabaeva Boris Kabdyshevich protested against the career of heir. He did not believe that the capital may submit to the girl.

“I know they want to leave, but tried to dissuade Albina, – confessed Boris Janabayev in interview to the program of NTV “the Small earth”. – I said, “Daughter, you are our opportunities will not get there”. And she said, “Dad, I have so decided.” Well, just decided…”
Отец Альбины Джанабаевой не верил в ее успех

The departure a bit spoiled relationship between father and daughter, albeit briefly. Janabayev adored his eldest heir. He worked as a driver at the Institute “Giprovodkhoz”, three Albina often accompanied his father on trips. “I took samples of some of the soil, led notebook, something they wrote scrawl, – says Albina dzhanabaeva. And dad dreamed that I would be a geologist, or will be somehow tied to this profession.”

During these visits the father and daughter often had to sleep in the tent. “I blowtorch heated the water in the bucket, Albina bathed and put to bed,” he recalled touching moments of the dad of the singer Boris Kabdyshevich.

Отец Альбины Джанабаевой не верил в ее успех

Told in the “little land” about the tragic life stories of Albina dzhanabaeva. Many years ago my parents almost lost their beloved daughter.

“Somewhere around age eleven I nearly drowned in the Volga – says the singer. – Remember the huge thickness of water above him, which was increasing. Saved me young man. I remember the hustle and bustle around me, some shouting. But I wasn’t here…”

Now Albina dzhanabaeva became a virtual head of his large family. She helps her parents and siblings and cares for them. Several years ago she tried to persuade dad to move closer to her. However, he refused to accept it. Boris Kabdyshevich lives in the village of Gorodishche near Volgograd, where twenty years ago he left his star daughter.