Ирена Понарошку рассказала о проблемах с сердцем
The presenter made a Frank admission.

Irena Ponaroshku

Photo: Instagram

Irena Ponaroshku, the hallmark of which is already
many years is an ideal trim figure, admitted that as a child she
could not even imagine that someday will love the sport.

“I was very unsportsmanlike girl in school —
says Irene. — My mom thinks that I have a weak heart… I Think one
from a routine ultrasound the doctor thought something wrong with some valve. Other
the doctors then denied it all, but the myth that I have a weak heart and I
needs to take it easy in the family and left.

And in the 17 years dad suddenly gave me a map to
fitness club, and for the next few years of my life I spent there! Every day I went
in group classes, my favorite was the hardcore called “Bodypump”,
I collected the maximum heavy barbell, squats, dropped out and sting her
in the aerobic pace and I felt great! Still grateful to dad for that,
that gave me the ticket and then annually renewed it until I became
I make my own!

Now, even if I have long breaks
in the classroom, my body very quickly comes into shape as it says
settings that were specified in the same fitness club in 17-20 years! Low
bow (as well as tilt and pull) the trainers that have supplied equipment and
breath! It’s impossible to drink in any smoothie bar in the world!”