62-летний Роуэн Аткинсон готовится к появлению на свет третьего ребенка
The famous actor Rowan Atkinson, whom the whole world knows thanks to the filming of the TV series “Mr. Bean”, will soon celebrate a new addition to the family.

62-летний Роуэн Аткинсон готовится к появлению на свет третьего ребенка

The wife of the actor 33-year-old Louise Ford is in the final stages of pregnancy. This child will be the first overall heir for spouses. According to information, the kid should be born in the coming weeks.

62-летний Роуэн Аткинсон готовится к появлению на свет третьего ребенка

“Rowan and Louise are in seventh heaven and can’t wait for the baby. This is a very happy time for both of them,” shares the source.

It is worth noting that the couple have been together for almost two years, Rowan has a grown son and daughter from his first wife.

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