Фей Марсей выбрала очень простой, но элегантный наряд.
Actress Fay Marçay captivated the audience with his refined sense of taste and style.

Фей Марсей выбрала очень простой, но элегантный наряд.

The actress did not bother to dress and evening dress.

Фей Марсей выбрала очень простой, но элегантный наряд.

She chose to exit slightly loose white long blouse.

Added to this image, white wide leg shorts slightly visible from under the blouse. Showed their slim legs.

Accessories decided not to burden his image and put on only modest earrings.

Added to his image of a strong black coat, her legs adorned sandals with interesting arched heel.

The look is very stylish and strong.

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