ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ: Близкие Спартака Мишулина подтвердили родство Еремеева с актером
Opened the details of the meeting in the court of Timur to the daughter of the artist.

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Lawyer Timur Eremeeva Victoria Krylova gave an exclusive interview 7days.ru comments on scandalous trial between the actor and the daughter of Spartaka Mishulina Karina. During the conversation with the representative of Timur was first obtained answers to the public questions: why is the son of actor has not stated about their relationship during the life of the alleged famous dad and whether there is at least one witness who can confirm the story Eremeeva about his childhood?

As it turned out, the lawyer Eremeeva already found close to Spartak Vasilyevich, ready to confirm that Timur is his illegitimate son. “No child’s fault that he was born. The parents are responsible. The Kingdom of heaven Spartak Vasilyevich, but it was necessary to resolve these issues in life, the more he recognized. He grew up without a father. And Timur-growing up with my dad. But did not advertise it so happened, these were the days. Tatyana – mother of Timur — I didn’t want to ruin his career Michelino, and this would have happened, she said that the artist has an affair and a baby grows. And then, apparently, this has already happened – all live near each other, talking, it was not necessary to play in order to formalize paternity.

But Timur the fact that he is the son of Mishulina, never concealed. Why I so confidently say this? First, communicate with Timur and his mother. I will not jump ahead, but there are people who with confidence confirm everything stated by Timur. They were close with Spartak Vasilyevich and watched all of these events. All the evidence we will present to the court just now, have no right to disclose them ahead of time!” — shared Victoria Krylova.

Of course, to confirm the relationship Eremeeva and Mishulina, is necessary for DNA examination, a process which is already running. It became known yesterday that since the Carlson suit, which was made by Spartak V. was harvested biomaterial that proved useful to identify, in particular, the Y-chromosome, passed from father to son. According to Karina, she had a blood test allegedly confirmed that she is the biological daughter Mishulina. Now to test it was the turn of Timur, but he put forward their demands for the procedure, which is not yet agreed Karina. Mishulina insists that conducted the study were looking at genetics Pavel Ivanov and does not accept tests in other medical institutions.

Timur Eremeev (1995)

Photo: Personal archive of Timur Eremeeva

“Timur everywhere States that agree completely on any examination. At least feet to the ceiling cling, head downwards, take any tests. But he asks that it was an objective examination made at three different institutions. And not with one Carina, but with personal belongings Spartak Vasilyevich (experts have identified the DNA-chromosome), and with relatives Mishulina, whose relationship with him cannot be questioned. Let there be three independent laboratories. I, as a lawyer, support. If we have a few reliable and objective research, we will have precise answers to all questions and eliminate any chance!” — explains Timur Krylov.

By the way, during the interview, Victoria said that Timur never claimed the inheritance of the actor and is not going to change the name. All he wants is to establish the truth that his little girl was proud of her grandfather.