Андрей Чуев намерен жениться на 19-летней возлюбленной Man plans to legalize the relationship with the chosen one this fall. Andrey Chueva do not mind that he is familiar with Victoria for a few months. According to the former participant “Houses-2”, it is time for them to have children.

At the end of may 2017, the year it became known that the heart of Andrey Chueva again occupied. The man told about the relationship with 19-year-old Victoria, who won his thrift and sincerity. Now ex-member of the controversial telestroke intend to marry.

Andrew don’t be fooled no big difference in age or short term relationship. In the opinion of men, he and Victoria are perfect for each other and are already dreaming about babies.

“I came to the conclusion that I want a family, children. The first two, but we’ll see. Vick is only 19 years old. 20 she will give birth to first, recover quickly, and after a couple years, and you can second. My friends, many children, even from different wives. They’re all friends. It’s great! I dream of a big family. Don’t see the point for a long time to go to the wedding, ” said Chuev.

He has already managed to acquaint Victoria with my grandmother, who was left in admiration of the darling grandson. According to Andrew, beloved is an excellent cook, and kept the place neat.

While the bride and groom have not thought through the details of a future wedding, but the celebration want to make in November. Now Victoria is trying to solve the issues with the necessary documents for marriage registration, because she has Ukrainian nationality, which creates certain legal delays. However, even this problem will not affect the enthusiasm Chueva.

“Most likely, we play it small, and then fly to honeymoon. Vick has never been abroad. I think it would be great if in the New year’s eve we will go to Dubai and then, for example, the Maldives or Goa. Be sure to come up with something interesting for the occasion, buy a good ring,” told about the plans Chuev.

Man admits that his captivating sincerity of Victoria. A girl requires from her beloved elegant wedding dresses or party for a hundred guests. For the darling Andrew is much more important to feel the seriousness of his intentions.

In an interview for the portal “the House-2. Life” Chuyev told about ambitious plans for the future. So, for example, a man wants to move to Moscow mom Victoria, which will help her during pregnancy and after the baby is born.