Александр Буйнов признался в изменах второй жене The singer was the guest of the program “the Secret to a million.” Alexander Buinov said that being married to a second wife, Lyudmila, had a long relationship with another woman. The man is still hard to remember about that period of his life.

Alexander and Alena Buinova happily married for 30 years. The singer does not get tired to confess his love to the beloved, stressing that it is his ideal of feminine beauty. However, in the artist’s personal life hasn’t always been rosy. So, talking with Leroy Kudryavtseva, the man admitted that three years was cheating on the second wife Lyudmila.

“I had a long affair, real passion. Lived in two houses. Repeatedly returned to the apartment for his wife to collect things, but then came a daughter, Julia, begged me to stay. As a result, I tore the relationship with that other woman, but after a few days was back at it,” said the artist.

According to star, the love triangle brought a lot of pain for both women and himself. Violent emphasized that he married Ludmila largely due to her sudden pregnancy. He wanted a daughter born in lawful marriage, but the relationship could not withstand the test of time.

Now, the artist communicates a lot with her daughter Julia, trying to help her and pays attention to their grandchildren. However, the successor Bujnov was not easy to accept the breakup of their parents.

“When my wife finally decided to leave, I talked with Julia. She was 11-12 years old, a very difficult age for girls. I explained the situation, talked to her like an adult. My daughter understood it all, but I still long to blame yourself for what happened”, – said the musician.

In the third marriage violent absolutely happy. He stressed that never changed and Allen was always honest with her. Moreover, the beloved of Alexander, for thirty years, helping him build a musical career.

According to singer, the secret to a long and happy relationship from each pair. He used to admire the wife, despite the fact that sometimes it is not in the mood. “She’s a Gemini. Sometimes gets off on the wrong foot, and then it literally all exasperated. We have to endure, just trying to be annoying,” – says violent.

The famous actor does not deny that he had a stormy youth. Once Alexander almost started an affair with a then little-known Alla Pugacheva. In the program “the Secret to a million” singer admitted that even kissing a future prima Donna of the Russian stage. However, beyond a fleeting flirtation business didn’t come. Now the stars are friends and family often spend evenings together.

Despite his frankness, violent did not answer the last question in the program. He stressed that he had only one secret that no one will ever know.