Николай Басков не захотел играть с Лопыревой свадьбу ради пиара
People’s artist told about the reasons of cancellation of the wedding.

Nikolay Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva

Photo: @nikolaibaskov Instagram Nikolai Baskov

Wedding of Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva was supposed to be the main event of this autumn in the world of show business. At the same time, many people did not believe that the singer and model are actually married. In the Network there were rumors that the wedding couple — a planned action to draw the attention of fans. Recently Nicholas frankly admitted that it greatly offended the allegations in “the wedding for PR”, as his feelings are quite real and not scripted. Basque canceled a scheduled wedding with Victoria in order to prove that he was acting at the behest of the heart.

According to the artist, he wasn’t planning his wedding to attract as much attention. Faced with the hype on this subject, the Basque decided to move the celebration to another date. But what the date was chosen celebrity couple is not known. Future spouses, apparently, already agreed on everything, but this time keep all details in the strictest confidence. So fans of Nicholas soon would be a great surprise.

“Just happened that it looked like a PR company: the story of the wedding refused, and caused some reason of special interest to our people. So we still have Andrei Malakhov said I want to take this story. And then, suddenly, when everything calms down, thinking that all this PR will do a surprise!” — quotes Baskov WomanHit.

Recall that last week Nicholas has announced that he is leaving time on the big stage. This is due to his exhaustion and desire to make changes to your image. “I’ve done a lot to their 40 and came to the fact that I lost vision of what I do. I think for me it was nice to relax and to overestimate their activities, to answer some questions yourself!” — said the Basque.