Марку Захарову необходимо больше внимания уделять своему здоровью
Today, 13 October, congratulations in honor of the birthday takes the beloved actor and screenwriter mark Zakharov, who turned 84 years old.

Марку Захарову необходимо больше внимания уделять своему здоровью

Mark Anatolyevich has an impressive track record for his love of the Russian audience. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva predicted the future of the actor, having studied his life code.

“The health of a celebrity, unfortunately, is not very strong, – says Kuzenbaeva. – He has a weak pancreas and everything that is associated with the gastrointestinal tract. He has a predisposition to various allergies, so in his place I would not have experimented with food. But mark Anatolyevich knows about the shortcomings of your body and lead a healthy lifestyle: this is what helped him to live to a ripe old age.”

We wish the actor a long life and special attention he had to pay for his health.

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