Обнародованы имена новых ведущих передачи "Жди меня"
A few days ago there appeared information that the transfer of “Wait for me” will be aired on NTV.

Обнародованы имена новых ведущих передачи "Жди меня"

And finally, on the eve announced the names of the new leading the new program.

“Leading the program will become a popular actress and TV presenter, winner of awards “TEFI” and “nick” Julia, a famous actor of theatre and cinema, winner of awards “TEFI” and “Golden eagle” Sergey Shakurov and founder of rescue organization “Lisa Alert” Grigory Sergeev,” – said the TV channel.

According to the President of the company “ВИDgital” Alexander Lyubimov, the transmission will be the same, but still the audience will see some changes.

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