Анатолий Кашпировский вспылил в прямом эфире из-за обвинений во лжи The healer was angered frivolous attitude to his words. Anatoly kashpirovskiy was trying to convince people of his views. However, some believed that people in his sessions was only autosuggestion.
Анатолий Кашпировский вспылил в прямом эфире из-за обвинений во лжи

On October 10, it became known that died is known in the 80-90-ies of the healer Allan Chumak. At the time, he enjoyed incredible popularity. However, he had to share the glory with Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who also pursued a television broadcast in which he promised to heal people with her own abilities. The phenomenon chumaka, Kashpirovsky and juna: how Soviet healers possessed the minds of millions

After nearly thirty years of the program “Let them talk” decided to recall the success of those programs and to understand the phenomenon of gravity these individuals. The Studio came Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who said what distinguishes his approach from all who have ever engaged in such practices.

“The most important is the touch of fabrics. We consist of two principles: the mind and feelings are one thing and the body another. Between them the speech,” said the man.
Анатолий Кашпировский вспылил в прямом эфире из-за обвинений во лжи

Guests in the Studio remembered that, despite the immense popularity and legend that surrounded his name, there were numerous parodies, making fun of such sessions healers.

Doctor Eugene Lilin put forward his version of what happened almost thirty years ago. In his opinion, people are just engaged in self-hypnosis. Only by faith and domestic installations they have seen noticeable improvements in health status.

However, these words deeply wounded Anatoly Kashpirovsky. He stood up from his seat and was ready to leave the Studio.

“I want to go with the transfer. This man nonsense carried. “It was faith, autosuggestion”… And how do you find the following. I have a scientific degree of the doctor of psychological Sciences. It is connected with the programming unit. The body retain a memory of norms – justified Deepak. – Forget about self-hypnosis, it can affect the mind, feelings, and modify tissue, heart, joints, no one can, is not given to anyone”.
Анатолий Кашпировский вспылил в прямом эфире из-за обвинений во лжи

After these words, the healer decided to stay and answer questions. Musician Yuri Loza admitted that such healers as Allan Chumak and Kashpirovsky opened the way for many charlatans. A man was outraged by such accusations.

“You are asking secondary people who are not aware of the case. When people began to rotate the head – I thought, is that they’ve got low back pain,” said Anatoly.