Максим Фадеев рассказал о серьезной травме Наргиз
The shooting of the singer was very dangerous.

Photo: still from clip

Two years ago, the singer Nargiz released the song “You are my tenderness” and the clip on it. The song became a hit, its “cool” all music radio station of the country. To date, the video has already been seen by over 80 million people! In this regard, large-scale event producer of singer Maxim Fadeev decided to tell, how difficult was shooting for the whole group — and for Nargis — especially those shooting in Bali.

“This is nobody knows, but the video for “Tenderness” was very difficult and almost cost the lives of several members of the group — said Fadeev. — At the same moment in the video when the waves hit Nargis on the rocks, she was injured: a broken finger and severe leg injury. We only found out after the stop of the motor. The group filmed the clip in 40-degree heat wild on the Bali beach. To reach it, 15 members of the crew (among whom our artist in makeup and costume and owl) had to go down a narrow mountain ridges with a height of 200 meters. And back to the hotel all were on a boat that had an emergency to call in connection with the trauma of Nargis. Now everyone jokes that the memories of these extreme filming will last a lifetime!”