Илья Яббаров хочет, чтобы дочка его простила
Ex-member of popular reality show “Dom-2” Ilya Yabbarov wrote an open letter to his daughter, the education which deals with ex-wife.

Илья Яббаров хочет, чтобы дочка его простила

Elijah has brought the forgiveness of the heiress, which is not communicating. Ex-wife Ilya broke up six years ago, at the same time forgetting about the baby.

Илья Яббаров хочет, чтобы дочка его простила

“I apologize for what I some years did not participate in the upbringing of the child. We lived together up until her daughter turned two years.

I’m not making excuses that someone was wrong, of course don’t need an excuse, because it is not. You’re a grown girl and if you read this letter, try to forgive your father. Everyone in life makes mistakes. I would condemn the Lord God, and you, if you can, I’m sorry. Your dad” he calls Yabbarov.

Ilya remembers that moment, when my daughter was born. He was so happy, but unfortunately then he and his wife are unable to resolve the conflict.

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