Иван Охлобыстин о свадьбе: «Она меня подпоила и обманом заманила в ЗАГС!»
The actor spoke about how said goodbye to barchelor life.

Иван Охлобыстин о свадьбе: «Она меня подпоила и обманом заманила в ЗАГС!»

Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife Oksana

Photo: @psykero1477 Instagram

Famous Russian actor, screenwriter, writer and public figure Ivan Okhlobystin on the eve celebrated the birthday of his family. Since then, the artist married his beloved Oksana, 22 years have passed. The anniversary of Ivan joked and told a previously unknown “fact” of their biography. “22 years ago she got me drunk and tricked into the registry office!” — said ohlobystin all over the country.

Bronze wedding was decided to celebrate in one of the capital’s restaurant. Ivan has shared a touching joint with the wife, made during the feast. Fans and friends of the actor appreciated the humor Okhlobystin. He wished to meet with Oksana Golden wedding. And yet the fans hope that Ivan will be able to expand its already large family of several kids.

By the way, Ivan has repeatedly and publicly confessed his love to his wife. The story of their romantic relationship began in 1995. Seeing the actress Oksana Arbuzov in the House of cinema, Ivan Okhlobystin to go up to the girl and said: “Soon will be mine”. “I don’t know why I said that, had such hooks no one threw. And it wasn’t a hook like “picked up a girl just in case”. There is more — some sort of instinct came over me, — Okhlobystin explained in an interview with the magazine “7 Days”. — Another time I saw Oksanka about a year later, in a cafe. Beside her sat two bearded. And on the table were three glasses full of vodka. I walked over and said, “Mademoiselle, do not take us with you a romantic walk?”

Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife Oksana

Photo: @psykero1477 Instagram

Then I found out that I sat with her her classmates. Grooms Oksanka of course, but so-so, choose especially not anything else. One boring, the other is stupid like a cork. I may not have chosen to marry, but cannot because this lady anywhere to give. And I asked Oksana to visit — to get acquainted with the parents and offer to do the honor for the honor. Was late for four hours. Not on purpose. Just this day we with Garik Sukachyov wrote in the Studio clip, and I did not notice how time flew. The situation was force majeure and excuses I had nothing, and I, kneeling on the threshold of daisies in his teeth, did offer their daughter and at the same time apologized for being late”.