Мария Кожевникова помешалась на здоровом питании
The actress is struggling with allergic son.

Photo: Instagram

Since then, as Maria Kozhevnikova has become a mother, she began to think seriously about the quality of the products that eats her family. The first step she advises anyone mother, is to read the labels of goods. There you can learn a lot! The shelf life of products should not be very large. And fruits and vegetables you should grow in your garden. This Mary and attended! For the second year Kozhevnikova collect your own crop of cucumbers and tomatoes. It showed in his personal blog, adding: “This is to make you understand how I was obsessed with healthy eating!”

“We Matusik loves tomatoes, but they have a son instant Allergy, — said the actress. — Tried all of: green, yellow, pink, black, purple, different shapes and sizes, purchased on the market and in the store, but the response is red spots on the face and neck, not forcing myself to wait. In the end, we came to the conclusion that tomatoes are forbidden to us, but no! Grew our holiday harvest, eat as much as you want and instead of allergies on the face of the son, happiness! The child’s body chemistry will not disappoint!”

Kozhevnikova says, it is not necessary to have their own land to grow healthy vegetables without any chemicals. You can restrict removable giving. The actress had its first harvest that is on leased land.

Meanwhile, not all followers of Mary believe that she really does everything herself: and children grow, and work, and even in the garden manages to be watered, weeded, process, assemble. The actress did not hide the fact that she helps my mom, but its merit is also in this.

“My life, and therefore my children depends on me, on my decisions and the money they make! — troubled star. — I work and distribute the money as they see fit. Don’t buy the handbag the next and a greenhouse!”

Some fans of Maria, learned of her fascination with the garden, began to give advice: what variety to plant next year and how to handle the plants from pests. Kozhevnikova thanked everyone and said that next year will use all of their knowledge.