Кардашьян нарастила двухлетней дочери волосы

North West shocked the audience with their long braids.

Oh, this Kim! So often the star is concerned that subscribers in social networks is too critical of her life, but reasons to give not stop. This time the object of discussion was the hair of her two year old daughter North. Kardashian posted a picture of a little girl with unnaturally long hair!

Baby North is short and a naturally curly hair, but, apparently, the star mother decided to do a glamorous hairstyle to your daughter. Under the image of a little girl with long braids Kim wrote that North loves the cartoon “Cold heart”, and in particular the character Anna, who went with this hairstyle.

However, fans did not appreciate this “mother natured” and was quick to accuse Kardashian of neglect of the appearance of two girls. By the way, not only North visited the beauty salon together with Kim direct beauty went to her sister Kourtney Kardashian with daughter Penelope, the head of which now adorn braids.

However, maybe it’s hairpieces? Recall that Kim a few weeks ago appeared in public with a white wig. Most likely, Kardashian realized that the dark shade of her best, and decided to occasionally shock the audience for his experiments with wigs.

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