Алла Довлатова перенесла тяжелое воспаление легких
The children of the radio host missed a school ruler.

Алла Довлатова перенесла тяжелое воспаление легких

Alla Dovlatov

Photo: @Instagram alla_dovlatova Alla Dovlatova

Daughter Alla Dovlatova — Alexander

Photo: @Instagram alla_dovlatova Alla Dovlatova

Summer for Alla Dovlatova didn’t end on the most positive note. As it turned out, shortly before the first of September radio host was diagnosed with pneumonia. The disease has crossed all plans of the stars on the last days of summer. Moreover, Alla could not even hold his children on a school ruler on 1 September. In the family Dovlatova sick not only she, but her daughter, Alexandra.

As a result, Alla and daughter celebrated the first of September just before. Yesterday the daughter of the radio host managed to go to school, where he presented a favorite teacher a bouquet and met with my best friends. “On Friday and was still sick. And Sasha, my line didn’t go (too sick). But today — with extraordinary berry bouquet she’s happy and joyful ran to congratulate your teacher!” — said Alla.

And today Dovlatov had already left for work, which, by the way, very bored lying at home in bed. Its first airing after the hospital Alla spent with Anastasia Makeeva. “Yesterday, at last, after an illness, I’m back on the air. I miss talking to you and the students and colleagues and work in General! It was a pleasure to meet in the air with the lovely Anastasia Makeeva! Nastya told me about his new movie “Anna Karenina”, the trip to Cannes, the tremendous interest for our culture abroad and that she now lives on the principle: “Love love peace,” added Dovlatov.