Ученики из Ивантеевки сообщили подробности расправы стрелка с обидчиками Students spoke about what happened this morning. The ninth-grader came to class with an ax and a gun. He caused injury to the teacher and then shot into the ceiling and threw firecrackers.
Ученики из Ивантеевки сообщили подробности расправы стрелка с обидчиками

On Tuesday, the ninth Mikhail from Moscow, Ivanteevka come to class with a traumatic gun and an axe for cutting meat. He hit the teacher, and then began to shoot at the ceiling. The students came to the Studio program “Let them talk”, to talk about what happened in school. The consequence finds out the reasons of fire in a Moscow school

“We were a meter away from the Cabinet, I heard a noise in the hallway. The teacher went to look, after a moment, heard a pop. We were told to move away and sit down, we panic, and then cotton, in the direction of our door threw a firecracker. Thought it was a joke,” – said Marina.
Ученики из Ивантеевки сообщили подробности расправы стрелка с обидчиками

Ivanteevskaya student of the school said that her class was evacuated last. In the courtyard they saw a drove of EMERCOM, ambulance and police. Later the students learned that the ninth-grader Michael Pevnev struck 39-year-old teacher on the head. Came to the Studio each classmate attacker.

“Mike was late for class, the teacher didn’t want to admit. He was struck with an axe, then, as I was told, he started shooting at the monitor, then at the ceiling. It was their classmate,” – said Georgy.

Pevnev said waiting for this for three years, but his goal was not a teacher, but the process itself. Editors transfer noticed that even at six months Mike had left a strange entry in social networks, but nobody was paying it nimnaya, so raised the alarm. Moreover, students say that Misha was carrying a weapon.

The Commissioner for children’s rights in Moscow region Ksenia Mironova told what she knows about the incident.

“Mike came to the third lesson, the teacher made a comment why he appeared in this form, and stepped out into the corridor. After that got shot, he cried, he went and threw him in the class of firecrackers. Parents made the video, they filmed the first week of school” – said the woman.
Ученики из Ивантеевки сообщили подробности расправы стрелка с обидчиками

Special correspondent of the First channel, Oleg Shyshkin was the whole day at the scene. He said that at the moment there are three victims. The teacher was diagnosed with open craniocerebral injury. It has operated, and now doctors estimate its condition as stable. The journalist managed to learn some version of what happened. According to him, Misha had a long-standing conflict not only with teacher but also with students of the class.

Ученики из Ивантеевки сообщили подробности расправы стрелка с обидчиками

A friend of Michael, Mary remembered what he told her about his intentions before the incident. She didn’t believe him, and therefore did not sound the alarm. But today he sent her a message a few hours before the incident. The girl reported that he often carried a gun in the bag and home-made firecrackers.

“Some came to the office, but he did not believe, – said Masha. – Misha didn’t want to communicate. He said he was satisfied, and this morning at 7.51 wrote: nothing you didn’t believe, I’m not joking”.

Experts in the Studio began to discuss how to prevent such incidents. Guests understand that Teens rarely trust adults, and therefore not talking.