Дмитрий Шепелев обеспокоен безопасностью своего сына
TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev boasts a successful career on television, but nevertheless he does not forget about his son Plato.

Дмитрий Шепелев обеспокоен безопасностью своего сына

Now the heir to the men attending kindergarten yet, but very soon the boy will have to go to school. Dmitry is concerned for the safety of Plato, but still realizes that the boy should go through life’s difficulties.

Дмитрий Шепелев обеспокоен безопасностью своего сына

“I think that in Moscow around the child can create a oasis of well-being, security. But it’s expensive. Besides, it’s pointless because sooner or later the child will be face to face with the reality that we know. Will we be able to hide the child from it? Can’t do it. Do we want to do this? Want” – says TV presenter.

According to Shepeleva, he doesn’t want Plato was educated at home, but not going to give it to public school.

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