Ольгу  Картункову обвиняют в анорексии
Star KVN responded to aggressive charges.

Olga Bartunkova

Photo: @kartynkova222/Instagram

After the phenomenal weight loss stars of the Comedy “Once in Russia” fans have suggested that she was seriously ill. They believe that Bartunkova brought itself to disorders
eating behavior, which is called anorexia.

Olga herself said that she wasn’t ill, but on the contrary,
loss extra pounds began to feel
much better. However, she has to follow him —
to control the power and largely refuse.

“I’m not saying that
now I eat like a girl, no. And there are still problems that medical treatment. But I
now shudder to look at old photos and girlfriends say, “what are You, sheep insolent? You that I never said I was a freak? You why do I
had not said I was a crocodile?” Eye no sponge has gone somewhere, hair
constantly sweaty, constantly on the scene wipes”, — says Olga.

Now Bartunkova afraid even to think about what was still
a few years ago to lose weight. She looks at old photos.

We will remind that Olga succeeded phenomenally to lose weight for some time
ago. As a result of diet and sports, she said goodbye to 54