«Да, я вышла замуж!» Нюша впервые рассказала о тайной свадьбе
The singer explained what was classified celebration.

Nyusha and Igor Sivov

Photo: @nyusha_nyusha (Instagram Nyusha)

Nyusha finally brought clarity to what is really going on in her personal life. The actress has officially confirmed that it is now lawful wife of her lover Igor Sivova. As can be seen, the fans, who calculated that the performer recently played a secret wedding in the Maldives, not wrong.

That’s just what was all the secrecy? Jane explained: first, she never commented on the relationship with Igor. But, as you know, the time, and now she’s ready to be with the fans more candid. “I want to dispel all the rumors, speculation and gossip… Officially announce that I got married! I never talked about his personal life, so this event I carefully concealed. It’s time you about it to tell you.” — announced Nyusha in social networks.

About the beginning of the novel the NYSE and Igor became known in December of last year, and this spring she received the coveted offer of marriage. By the way, Jane does not exclude that may soon go on maternity leave. She dreams about the birth of a child, and even agree for this case to make a break in career.