ВИДЕО: Полина Диброва выиграла престижный конкурс красоты
The wife of TV host became “Mrs. Russia 2017”.

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Late last night announced results of the contest “Mrs. Russia 2017”. The winner of the contest was the wife of a famous TV presenter Polina Dibrova. Large star mommy wanted to get the crown of beauty Queen and now her dearest wish fulfilled. The jury that made the decision about the victory, were: Zara, Alena Khmelnitskaya, Alexander Nosik,Evelina Bledans and top experts.

Polina Dibrova

Photo: Instagram.com

Curiously, Pauline decided to participate in the competition for the sake of their three sons. Wife Dibrova genuinely wanted to see her triumph. In order to take first place Pauline began intensive practice and sat on a rigid diet.

“Friends, perhaps you noticed that I’m slightly shunula after the holidays. There are a couple of reasons. First, my General motivation and preparation for the “Mrs. Russia 2017″, and secondly, a very selective diet, and third… massages. I love this procedure selectively apply to master”, — shared the secret of beauty Pauline.