Стас Михайлов: «Инна напомнила мне мою маму» The musician told about the beginning of a relationship with his future wife. Stas Mikhailov never ceases to thank wife for support in difficult times, when he only began to win the affection of the public. The ability to find the right words for a man Inna Mikhailova like your mother-in-law.
Стас Михайлов: «Инна напомнила мне мою маму»

Famous musician Stas Mikhailov became the protagonist of the next issue of the Sunday program of the First channel “Honestly Yuri Nikolayev”. The singer was ready for a Frank discussion with the presenter, but because the conversation was sincere and heartfelt.

Stas Mikhailov, in particular, remembered how he began his relationship with future wife ina. Their meeting took place in challenging for the vocalist period when he was in started on the path to glory.

Стас Михайлов: «Инна напомнила мне мою маму»“We met in a wonderful age, when both seventeen years old and love candy period is not at the head of the corner, – said Stas Mikhailov. – Really, I did nothing, I even dust in the eyes let I could not. Inna was very understanding to all concerned, and that reminded my mom. When she started to live with my father, they arrived in 1962, the Adler, they had to live in the basement, the mother said to the father: “Volodya, do not worry. We all will be.” And here is the word of a woman who around you is well worth it. It is a promise”.

Told Stas Mikhailov and what they have Inna decided not to make each other compliments. Better and more expensive than any of the words, according to the musician, the works.

“The man knows what to do for their women. It is better to present a beautiful gift. Inna calmly to the flowers. Bouquets, chocolates, champagne, that we have not accepted,” continued Stas Mikhailov.

The musician loves his wife and children, who, according to his confession, spoil. Stas Mikhailov gave the little heir to the Royal feast

“It is hard for them to ban anything – they are girls and appeared in the conscious age, when I was under fifty years. I give them the opportunity, in the hope that they understand – not that important that I give them, but as mom and dad do it for them. How do we get and why we do it for them. That’s what’s important. I want the kids to understand it”, – explained his position by Stas Mikhailov.

Recall that Stas and Inna Mikhailov happily married for six years. The couple learned to understand each other perfectly and support in difficult moments. “Inna covers many issues in my life. She’s home, back, rear. I do work, I’m providing, and it is not interfering with me in this fun, educating children, creating comfort in the house, and remains a wonderful woman,” said the musician about his companion in an interview.