Никиту Панфилова поздравляют со свадьбой The star of the series “Sweet life” changed their relationship status. Fans of Nikita Panfilov sent him warm wishes. The man made an offer of marriage to Xenia last year.

The star of the series “Sweet life” Nikita Panfilov prefers to hide from the public a personal life. Sometimes, however, appear in his microblog pictures with the beloved Xenia. He recently published a post that has intrigued fans and raised a lot of questions. In the pictures couple caught in a kiss. The actor left the frame without the signature, however, was accompanied by his ambiguous hashtags is “wedding”, “together”, “steam”, “happiness” and “love.”

Fans have interpreted this as a statement on marriage and began to congratulate all lovers with the changes in life. “You are very beautiful couple! I wish you happiness!”, “Hurrah! Congratulations! Beautiful couple! I wish you many beautiful babies!”, “Council Yes love! Joint you happiness in the coming year,” wrote a follower.

However, some were concerned that Ksenia was dressed in a slinky cocktail dress beige color with grey elements. Fans also wondered why the two of them go to Minsk, when he could arrange marriage in Moscow or in the home for girls Saint Petersburg.

As it turned out, Nikita and Ksenia is really present at the wedding, but only as guests. They had fun at the festival colleagues Panfilova on the series “Sweet life” by Anton Denisenko. The man was happy that all his friends could join him on such an important celebration.

However Nikita in one of the social networks noted that it has changed its status. He indicated that he is married and his fiancee Xenia changed the name and now appears as a Panfilova. But the lovers are not talking about whether or not they formalized the relationship.

The star of the series “Sweet life” was married twice. Last year he broke up with his wife Lada, who bore him a son Dobrynya. The couple had been married for five years. Soon Nikita has found a new love. The novel developed so rapidly that last summer he made Xenia offer hands and hearts. The man doted beloved and never ceases to Express passionate feelings. Ex-wife Nikita Panfilov made his life hell

“When you realize that looking for your loved one’s only life” – said Panfilov.