Станислав Садальский отказал Дмитрию Шепелеву The actor has revealed some details of the project of the First channel. Stanislav Sadalsky has asked to participate in the new program, which is described as “a revolutionary talk show”, but the man didn’t accept the invitation. The actor explained his decision in social networks.
Станислав Садальский отказал Дмитрию Шепелеву

Actor Stanislav Sadalsky is a frequent guest on different television shows. A man not afraid to Express his point of view on a particular issue. Sometimes the opinion of the artist may not coincide with the position of the other guests gear, and there are lively discussions.

Recently, the First channel has announced the premiere program with Dmitry Shepelev, which was called “actually”. Stanislav Sadalsky has asked to participate in a talk show, but he decided to refuse the wording of the television project. Even the “big money” offered by the artist, was unable to influence his decision.

Dmitry Shepelev will understand the lie of the loved ones

“Invited to the First channel in a new show to Shepelevo – in lie detector. (…) Opponents offered a choice of all of the controversial toys from Maksakova husband to Tamara Miansarova Mark. Refused, not interested. First, I apriori wins – lying, saying you know you know a lot. Secondly, these characters are already washed stones, I’m just bored. With an indignant mark have no desire at all to talk…” – shared Sadalsky.
Станислав Садальский отказал Дмитрию Шепелеву

The man remembered the episode “live”, dedicated to the singer of the hit “Black cat”, which was released a couple of years ago. In the transmission, which received a resounding name “In captivity, a domestic tyrant: Shine and poverty of Tamara Miansarova”, told about the financial problems of the famous singer, as well as its relationships with loved ones.

Husband of Tamara Miansarova: “Sadalsky – creep”

“Who let you will find this video in the Internet, see what are and son, who a few years could not reach her sick mother, and a husband who refused any real help. Or rather, not refused, but accepted selectively, from Kobzon, for example. And Tamara, I remember, was never afraid in interviews to talk openly that the fact that she was breathing on stage, she owes Kobzon,” said the actor.

In addition, Sadalsky has shared his opinion about the procedure of passing a lie detector, which, apparently, will be involved in the new teleproject of the First channel. The artist believes that his “easy to cheat”.

“Just play, not who you really are. Thief is not a thief, a traitor – not a traitor etc. However, this should be a very good actor…” – summed up Sadalsky.

By the way, earlier singer Maria Maksakova criticized the behavior of Stanislav Sadalsky on the Internet and on television shows. The singer did not have the soul that the artist allows himself to speak about the situation in her family. “He lives in constant scandal. Maybe he likes what he does, but to me it is extremely incorrect. For some reason he chose me as a target for his rather unsavory activities,” shared Opera diva. Stas Sadalsky publicly quarreling with Maria Maksakova