Бейонсе защитит в суде свои права
The star did not allow anyone to cash in on her fame.


Pop singer furious. As discovered Beyonce,
her name illegally uses for his business a certain company,
engaged mainly in the production of clothing. The products of this company are marked
the logo of “Feyonce”.
Of course, the pirates don’t exactly copied the name of the star, which is a protected
trademark. However, the singer decided that the difference in one letter nothing
changes. She’s too famous, her name is Beyonce (exactly spell it in English)
on everyone’s lips, so that the buyers unwittingly may think that this company
something to do with the famous singer.

In addition, the ill-fated company in addition to clothing — t-shirts,
tops and sweats — produces and souvenir mugs. Manufacturers
he came in as, moreover, decorating their mugs stitching
songs from Beyonce! What they had hoped, hard to say, but such a glaring fact,
of course, not escaped the attention of 34-year-old star, which itself in addition to creativity,
actively engaged in business. On behalf of Beyonce and her lawyers wrote a petition
in court, demanding dissolution of the company, infringe, according to the star, her rights, and
discontinuation of “the pirate” product.

As for the Beyonce business, it is currently
being actively engaged in the promotion of its new line of sportswear. Recall
that started her advertising campaign not too successfully. The fact that the singer long
time intrigued his fans, promising to hit them with some “big news”. And
we all have the impression that we are talking about the new album or
pregnancy stars. And when it appeared that Beyonce just started to release
a new line of t-shirts, leggings and other sporting “uniforms”, her fans felt duped… as a result, on her page in social networks there appeared a lot of indignant comments, the authors are blaming the star in conscious deception.

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