Как избавиться от целлюлита за месяц?

To deal with cellulite is no easy task, but solvable. In order to combat the “orange peel” to succeed, eliminate from the diet sugar and regularly massage problem areas.

It is proved that the sugary and high calorie food in the body produces free radicals – they destroy collagen mesh, which ultimately leads to an unpleasant “bumps” on the skin, that is cellulite. Bestseller Biotherm – body butter Body Refirm Anti-Cellulite Oil – facilitates girls task and directed fights the root cause of “orange peel”. The main ingredient tool has been astaxanthin – the strongest antioxidant derived from the extract of the microalgae H. Pluvialis. Biotherm scientists have found that this component neutralizes free radicals 500 times more effective than vitamin E and prevents the appearance of cellulite. A daily massage using Refirm Anti-Cellulite Oil will help just a month to deal with problem areas on the thighs and buttocks, and the skin will look more smooth, healthy, well-groomed, and acquire a velvety texture.

Record procedure: apply a little oil on the leg from the knee to the hip, fingers semipelite small folds of skin and gently roll them up, squeeze hands in a fist and RUB the knuckles of the thighs and buttocks (you can use a special brush). Repeat this massage, also designed by experts Biotherm, should be used twice a day – morning and evening. Moving the texture of the oil will facilitate comfortable holding of the beauty of ritual, and seductive fragrance with notes of tea, citrus, lavender and eucalyptus ideal complement care.

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