Раритетное фото Пугачевой, Вайкуле и Эрнста стало хитом в Сети Lime published a photograph in the company of celebrities of Russian show-business. Subscribers appreciated the memorable scenes and the appearance of the idols. They noted that since the stars did not change.

Fans of big-name stars are always delighted to take pictures, which depict their idols in youth. Perhaps that is why users of the social network were glad to see the black-and-white card, which pose several masters of the Russian show-business. Laima Vaikule posted in “Instagram” frame, in which the gathered faithful friends and colleagues: Alla Pugacheva, Valentin Yudashkin, Konstantin Ernst. On the pictures there is also another man, but to recognize his followers of the actress have not yet succeeded. The opinions of fans were divided: some believe that the picture of Nicholas Tsiskaridze, other that the spouse limes – Andrew Latkovskis.

The “photo – a blast from the past! All learned?” – simply wrote the singer.

Interestingly, the rarity made a splash in the microblogging Vajkule. Members admitted that they did not know about the many years of friendship, great company. They thanked their favorite for the touching the publication and asked for more to do these posts. In addition, the followers celebrated the dedication of the audience in the frame of celebrities, because they are still my friends. Users of social network left several dozen comments with words of admiration and good wishes to the stars.

“Everyone’s favorite, family”, “How young we were! Well done, that communicate”, “The chic! Waiting for new duets”, “Learned all, except the man standing next to Ernst… All achieved stunning success!” “Haven’t changed at all! Wow! This is the same”, “Super people! Worthy, talented, bright, and wise! Communicate life”, “people feel ashamed not to know” – admired by followers.

Some fans also noted a spectacular image of Alla Borisovny. They believe that the Diva not only looks older, but on the contrary, only transformed. Such compliments lately the singer hears more and more often. Pugacheva never ceases to impress loyal fans with their appearance. The artist could easily appear at a social event in a short dress, boots, hipster mood or outfit with bare shoulders. And not so long ago, and her husband Maxim Galkin – shared with followers the scenes from his personal archives. It Alla tans, taking a dramatic pose, which only emphasizes the toned body of a celebrity and slender legs. In discussing the operation on the feet of Alla Pugacheva